Category "nrt"

Layover at Tokyo Narita airport: can I travel outside, and what kind of visa would I need?

I am travelling from Singapore to San Francisco and the airline has a layover of 7.5 hours at Tokyo Airport (NRT). I am wondering if I would be allowed to go ou

Layover at Narita, Japan. Do I need a transit visa?

I will be transferring between two international flights at Tokyo Narita airport. I'm scheduled to depart the same day I arrive. I am planning to stay within th

Layover at Narita, Japan. Do I need a transit visa?

I will be transferring between two international flights at Tokyo Narita airport. I'm scheduled to depart the same day I arrive. I am planning to stay within th

Clarification on entering San Francisco International Airport (SFO) from Guam via Narita International Airport (NRT)

I am a Indian Passport holder with a valid H1B Visa. I am travelling from SFO to Guam via Honolulu. But for my return travel to SFO from Guam, I am transiting

Is there a bus connection between Narita airport and Tokyo Asakusa?

I'm trying to figure out how to get from Narita airport to Tokyo Asakusa. The LP guide says there should be a very convenient bus by Cab-Station Co that only co

15 Hours Layover in NRT [closed]

My situation: My plane lands in NRT(Terminal 2) at 8pm Sunday night. My departure for my connecting flight departs at 11am(Terminal 2) Monday

Layover at Narita, Japan. Do I need a transit visa?

I will be transferring between two international flights at Tokyo Narita airport. I'm scheduled to depart the same day I arrive. I am planning to stay within th

Does the route NRT - SIN fly through the East China Sea ADIZ China declared by China in November of 2013?

I mapped NRT-SIN on I cannot quite tell if it crosses in to the new China East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ECS ADIZ). If the air

Layover at Narita, Japan. Do I need a transit visa?

I will be transferring between two international flights at Tokyo Narita airport. I'm scheduled to depart the same day I arrive. I am planning to stay within th

5 hour international layover in Tokyo Narita? [duplicate]

I have a 5 hour layover in Tokyo, between Hong Kong and Boston. Is that enough time to leave the airport and see the city? If not, is there an

Is overnight stay at Narita Airport permitted?

I will arrive at Haneda Airport at 19:00PM and depart from Narita Airport at 17:25PM the day after. Can I stay the night at Narita Airport without any problem w

Storing luggage at Tokyo Narita Airport

In August I will go to Japan to visit relatives and to make a trek. Since I would have both "normal" luggage and "trekking" luggage, I would like to leave my no

How to get from Haneda airport to Narita airport?

I have an Air Asia flight to Haneda, Tokyo's smaller airport. I then need to get to Narita. What public transport options do I have? (Assume during the day, as

How to book flights with multiple stop-overs of several days?

I'm planning a holiday. I will first travel from Jakarta to San Francisco, planning to have several days there. Then I will fly to Los Angeles, where I will a

Narita Airport Custom check for tax-free purchased items [duplicate]

I understood that I need to show my purchased item with the form attached on my passport to a custom officer at Narita Airport. I would like

How do I book a one-way rail ticket from Tokyo to Toyota City?

I will be in Japan next week for a business trip to Toyota City. I will be there for three weeks, and while I'm actually in Toyota City I'll have no need for tr

From Haneda airport to Narita airport with same airline

We will arrive in Haneda airport at 7:10am and connecting flight to US from Narita is 11:15am. Is there enough time to catch my next flight? I've confirme

Can I have my friend check my bag and have it dropped off at their layover airport so I can pick it up?

I have been traveling around since October and am now in New Zealand. My last stop before heading home is Japan, with the intention of going snowboarding. How

Interesting walking activities in Narita on an overnight stop

I'd like to hear about pleasant hotels near interesting walks or other activities in Narita. We are going to be on a long trip between North America and Asia, b

Most reasonably priced way to get from Tokyo Narita to Shinjuku?

I'm flying into Tokyo Narita at the end of September and will be staying in Shinjuku. As I understand it taxis from the airport are very expensive. What's th